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$('footer .footer-contact h3').html ("<img src='https://ticket-simply-mly-cms.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/bcc/cms/asset/avatar/165/logo.jpg'>");
$( "#extra_115" ).insertAfter( $( "#extra_21" ) );
$( "#extra_276" ).insertAfter( $( "#react-app" ) );
$(".main-menu li:nth-child(5)").html("<div class='signinf'><h3><a href='#' ><img src='https://gst-contracts.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/bcc/cms/asset/avatar/127813/cust1.png'>Sign in</a></h3></div>");
$('footer .footer-contact h3').html ("<img src='https://ticket-simply-mly-cms.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/bcc/cms/asset/avatar/170/logo.jpg'>");
if(! $(".wrapper").hasClass("inner-page")){
$('#extra_21 .count').each(function() {
$(this).prop('Counter', 0).animate({
Counter: $(this).text()
}, {
duration: 10000,
easing: 'swing',
step: function(now) {
containerWidth = document.getElementById("container").clientWidth;
nextButton = document.getElementById("next-button");
previousButton = document.getElementById("previous-button");
slide = document.getElementById("slide");
firstCardLeftMargin = 10;
cardWidthAndRightMargin = 120 + 10;
totalWidth = slide.clientWidth;
const transformSlide = (val) => {
slide.style.transform = `translate(${val}px,0px)`;
const getCurrentPosition = () => {
const stringValue = slide.style.transform;
const transformValue = stringValue.substring(
stringValue.indexOf("(") + 1,
return transformValue ? parseInt(transformValue) : 0;
const getNextPosition = () => {
//take current position of the slide
const currentPosition = getCurrentPosition();
//last visibile pixel
const lastVisiblePixel = containerWidth + -1 * currentPosition;
//use the last visible pixel to calculate which card was fully-visible.
//This will return a float whose floor will indicate the last fully-visible card.
//We will show the next card as the first card after sliding
const lastFullyVisibleCard = Math.floor(
(lastVisiblePixel - firstCardLeftMargin) / cardWidthAndRightMargin
//Calculate the distance from slideStart to the lastVisibleCard's end
const distanceToNextCard =
lastFullyVisibleCard * cardWidthAndRightMargin + firstCardLeftMargin;
if (distanceToNextCard + containerWidth > totalWidth) {
return totalWidth - containerWidth + firstCardLeftMargin;
return distanceToNextCard - 10;
const getPreviousPosition = () => {
const currentPosition = getCurrentPosition(); //take current position
//getting first partially visible card. This will be the last card shown when the button is clicked.
const firstPartiallyVisibleCard = Math.floor(
(-1 * currentPosition - firstCardLeftMargin) / cardWidthAndRightMargin
//get distance to card end from slide start
const distanceToCardEndFromSlideStart =
firstPartiallyVisibleCard * cardWidthAndRightMargin + firstCardLeftMargin;
//translateX distance would be total distance - containerwidth
const distanceNeeded = distanceToCardEndFromSlideStart - containerWidth;
//return calculateDistance only if it is positive
if (distanceNeeded > 0) {
return -distanceNeeded;
//if needed distance < 0 i.e. card end is closer to start than container width means that this scroll would overshoot the left edge.
//return 0 and return the slide to it's initial position
return 0;
nextButton.addEventListener("click", (event) => {
previousButton.addEventListener("click", (event) => {
$("<p class='booking-text'>Book with us</p>").insertBefore(".booking-widget");
$(".main-menu li:nth-child(3)").text("Help Center") );
loop: true,
center: true,
items: 3,
margin: 0,
autoplay: true,
autoplayTimeout: 8500,
smartSpeed: 450,
responsive: {
0: {
items: 1
768: {
items: 2
1170: {
items: 3